7 Ways to Get Your Business Noticed During a Pandemic

2020 has been an absolute whirlwind of a year, with humankind and our enterprises having been tested to our limits. With everything going on in the world at the moment, it is crucial for businesses to find creative ways to get noticed by their consumers who are growing increasingly panicked about the pandemic.

Alongside assessing organisational processes, it’s also vital that you and your staff take full advantage of any covid 19 business support resources at your disposal. Making full use of the tools around you will ensure that your organisation won’t just survive, but may even thrive during the pandemic.

Here are just 7 smart ways to ensure your business gets noticed during this global crisis.

  • Make Your Customers Feel Safe

This virus is a particularly cruel one and there is so much that even the smartest scientists still don’t understand about it. It is imperative that you do everything in your power to keep your customers safe. Provide masks and sanitizers at the entrance to your business, have your areas deep-cleaned regularly, and enforce social distancing policies so that both your staff and your customers remain safe. Once you have devised a system to prevent the spread of the virus within your workplace, you can then let your customers know about it. If your customers feel safe whilst they are visiting you will continue to get their business.

  • Don’t Rely On In-Store Advertising

If you have a special running, don’t waste time on advertising in what used to be the high foot traffic areas. Your customers could be quarantining or they are simply afraid to venture out and browse like they used to before. Get your message out there digitally with an impactful pop up brochure, this will ensure your target audience stays up-to-date on your latest offers, specials, and services. You could also send your customers a free branded cloth face mask or even a custom bandana with their order, as this will get you free advertising and also show your customers that you care.

  • Stay Connected

The most important thing you can do for your business during these crazy times is to stay connected to your customers. Keep them updated digitally with email marketing, post to your social media pages regularly (if you don’t have social media pages then are you even in the 21st century??), and make use of creative ways to keep in touch with your audience. Digital content marketing is huge right now and live streaming is an affordable and effective way for businesses to stay connected to their target markets.

  • Move Online

If you don’t already have your business online then 2020 is going to eat you alive. With more and more consumers enjoying the convenience and safety of shopping online, it is a must-have in general for almost all businesses – and now more than ever.  You don’t have to be limited to brick and mortar buildings, some of the industries hit the hardest by lockdowns around the world have moved their businesses online. Gyms have started offering online training and renting their equipment out, theatres are live-streaming their shows, you name it – businesses are offering it. You need to make sure that your business is one of those.

  • Embrace Remote Working

Lots of things have changed for businesses this year, a lot of companies encouraged their employees to work from home, where possible. With social distancing in place in many areas, this has put a lot of strain on the traditional hiring process. Don’t let a lack of staff stop your business from getting noticed – embrace remote working and remote hiring procedures. COVID-19 is here to stay for a while still, don’t let your business suffer any more than it already has. Another type of hiring that has become increasingly useful is temp staffing. This gives you much more flexibility over the traditional process and can be used to increase productivity.

  • Advertising


Get creative with your campaigns. Remember that this is a unique experience for everyone but it is also a tragic experience for many people. The one thing we can all say we have truly learned this year is what truly matters the most to us. We took so much for granted before this pandemic hit and you need to make sure your advertising campaigns truly connect with your audience in a relatable way. There is no pretending that this isn’t going on, address it, and address it well. Consumers respond well to honest advertising in times of uncertainty.

  • Add Value

This is a terrible time for all of us; we are all nervous and worried about what the future holds for us and for our families. Add value to your business offerings to help make your customers lives better. If you are a restaurant owner, consider hosting a cooking class online. If you own a spa, try offering a free digital massage tutorial. People want to feel safe, it is in our nature. Try and make your customers feel as close to normal as this “new normal” can get them.

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