Using Typescript in Software Development – Pros and Cons

What is Typescript?

Developed by Microsoft, TypeScript quickly gained significant recognition after its release in 2012. As an open-source high-level programming language, it is a superset of JavaScipt, meaning that all the code written in JS is also valid for TS. What is Typescript used for? Primarily for web design, but also games or servers. Serving for both client-side and server-side, it has managed to gather a strong community of staunch supporters, applying it for various industries.

Since its release, many developers have been shifting towards Typescript due to its typing. As a subset of the JavaScript language, TypeScript adds syntax on top of JS, enabling static typing, which is actually its main standout feature. Used across various niches for different kinds of development, Typescript solves various problems developers encounter in their daily work.

Typescript – Pros. Why should you Use it for your Project?

Due to its features, Typescript can significantly cut the costs of development and improve the quality of code, which makes future scaling much easier. If performance is your main focus, choosing this language for your tech stack could be a good idea. Let’s look into these benefits to understand which aspects of Typescript stand behind them.

Better Code with Static Typing

The static typing that differentiates TypeScript from its cousin, JavaScript, allows the developers to avoid runtime errors and improve overall code quality and readability. If the function is called incorrectly, the errors are pointed out right away, allowing devs to prevent issues from escalating. With dynamic typing, the parameters, variables, etc., are not defined that thoroughly, so it’s much easier for the errors to appear. Static typing requires the developers to use more extensive descriptions, which leaves no space for misinterpretation.

What’s important, you can choose the type-checking level when working with Typescript. If your team is relatively new to it, you can start with a lower level and gradually move towards stricter type checking. It will save you some unnecessary frustration at the beginning and allow you to get used to sometimes challenging compilers.

Easy to Learn

For those who have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, switching to Typescript should be a piece of cake. It doesn’t take a lot to master Typescript if only you have the patience to deal with the compiler, which has no mercy for ambiguities. And if the JavaScript has been causing you issues, Typescript could be a remedy. Since it has a solid community backup, you will not struggle to find the materials to learn from and solve your problems with.

Typescript – Cons. What are the Challenges you may face in Typescript Development?

Contrary to JavaScript, TypeScript is a compiled language, meaning that it requires additional compilation to JavaScript instead of being executed directly. That additional complexity could affect overall performance. The main difference between JavaScript and TypeScript is the typing – TypeScript is statically typed. That, although it has many advantages, which we have already mentioned, does not always work in the developer’s favor.

Static typing is more rigorous than dynamic one, requiring a certain approach from you as a developer. Its extra complexity may be unwanted in the case your team changes often. Developers may also struggle to work in this mode, as it enforces a strict and structured approach to coding. Also, some users report that the error messages issued by Typescript are often vague and hard to comprehend.

As you can see, no solution is without flaws, and that applies to Typescript, too. However, it can surely bring additional value to your project If performance and security are important for you, you may want to try it out!

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